The Trusted CFO & Advisory for Your Manufacturing Business
Hey Manufacturers!
Did You Know That There Are 10 Financial Mistakes That Over 90% Of Manufacturing Companies Make?
And Making Just ONE Of These Mistakes Could Kill Your Cash Flow & Sink Your Business for Good...
Nauman Poonja, CPA
Manufacturing CFO & 
Accounting Advisor
From the Desk Of
Nauman Poonja, CPA
Dallas, TX

Dear Manufacturers,

Would you agree with me when I say that business has gotten more challenging for manufacturing companies like you over the past few years?

I'm sure you've felt the pressure…

On top of unpredictable market conditions, you have to deal with unexpected delays that can throw your budget completely off track and ever-increasing material costs that make it hard to know if you are making a profit on your products.

The result is that accurately pricing new orders and STILL making a decent profit is harder than it’s ever been before.

As someone who’s worked with dozens of manufacturing companies across the US, I understand the unique challenges you face while running your business…

And when I became a CPA and started working at the CFO level in different manufacturing companies…

I began to realize just how underserved manufacturers like you are.

As a CPA myself, I can tell you that most CPAs and accountants are generalists who serve a wide range of clients in all kinds of different industries...

And that means they don’t have the time to develop the skills and expertise needed to understand the unique challenges you face as the owner of a manufacturing company.

As a CPA and outsourced CFO who focuses exclusively on serving the manufacturing industry, I know that owning and operating a manufacturing business is very different from running any other kind of business…

In fact, I've discovered that there are 10 financial strategies that the top 1% of manufacturing companies utilize.

The problem I run into all the time is that most manufacturers don't have any idea that they’re missing out on one (or more) of these key strategies…

And that's why I decided to write my latest ebook…
10 Financial Strategies for Manufacturing Companies to Increase Profits and Cash Flow
Download Your Free Copy Of My eBook To See How These Strategies Can Change Your Financial Results Forever
Here's what you'll discover inside:
  • How to improve your inventory process to solve cash flow problems once and for all.
  • Maximize tax savings by gaining a better understanding of tax deductions and credits, ultimately leading to improved profitability.
  • ​How to plan for your financial future so you know you’ll be protected when the economy inevitably takes a hit.
  • Improve profitability by gaining a better understanding of your true cost of labor and overhead.
  • ​How to set up profit-focused financial systems so you can grow your business while also being able to pay yourself the salary you want and deserve.
  • ​How to understand what's actually going on in your business at any time in less than 5 minutes by reading your company's financial statements.
  • ​One major tax mistake most manufacturing companies make over, and over, and over.
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control 
Of Your Finances And Your Future!
Download Your Free Copy Of My Book Today...
10 Financial Strategies for Manufacturing Companies to Increase Profits and Cash Flow
I want to make sure you download your free copy of this ebook because it will show you 10 strategies to maximize profits, minimize your tax liability, and win back your time.

So just click the blue button above, enter your name and email address, and you'll get your free pdf copy of the ebook in your inbox within minutes. :)

Talk soon,
Nauman Poonja, CPA
The Trusted CFO & Advisor For Your Manufacturing Business
Hey Manufacturers!
Did You Know That There Are 10 Financial Mistakes That Over 90% Of Manufacturing Companies Make?
And Making Just ONE Of These Mistakes Could Kill Your Cash Flow & Sink Your Business for Good...
Nauman Poonja, CPA
Manufacturing CFO &
Accounting Advisor
From the Desk Of
Nauman Poonja, CPA
Dallas, TX

Dear Manufacturers,

Would you agree with me when I say that business has gotten more challenging for manufacturing companies like you over the past few years?

I'm sure you've felt the pressure…

On top of unpredictable market conditions, you have to deal with unexpected delays that can throw your budget completely off track and ever-increasing material costs that make it hard to know if you’ll making a profit on your products.

The result is that accurately pricing new orders and STILL making a decent profit is harder than it’s ever been before.

As someone who’s worked with dozens of manufacturing companies across the US, I understand the unique challenges you face while running your business…

And when I became a CPA and started working at the CFO level in different manufacturing companies…

I began to realize just how underserved manufacturers like you are.

As a CPA myself, I can tell you that most CPAs and accountants are generalists who serve a wide range of clients in all kinds of different industries...

And that means they don’t have the time to develop the skills and expertise needed to understand the unique challenges you face as the owner of a manufacturing company.

As a CPA and outsourced CFO who focuses exclusively on serving the manufacturing industry, I know that owning and operating a manufacturing business is very different from running any other kind of business…

In fact, I've discovered that there are 10 financial strategies that the top 1% of manufacturing companies utilize.

The problem I run into all the time is that most manufacturers don't have any idea that they’re missing out on one (or more) of these key strategies…

And that's why I decided to write my latest ebook…
10 Financial Strategies for Manufacturing Companies to Increase Profits and Cash Flow
Download Your Free Copy Of My eBook To See How These Strategies Can Change Your Financial Results Forever
Here's what you'll 
discover inside:
  • How to improve your inventory process to solve cash flow problems once and for all.
  • Maximize tax savings by gaining a better understanding of tax deductions and credits, ultimately leading to improved profitability.
  •  ​How to plan for your financial future so you know you’ll be protected when the economy inevitably takes a hit.
  • ​Improve profitability by gaining a better understanding of your true cost of labor and overhead.
  • ​​How to set up profit-focused financial systems so you can grow your business while also being able to pay yourself the salary you want and deserve.
  • ​How to understand what's actually going on in your business at any time in less than 5 minutes by reading your company's financial statements.
  • ​​​One major tax mistake most manufacturing companies make over, and over, and over.
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Finances And Your Future!
Download Your Free Copy of My eBook Today…
10 Financial Strategies for Manufacturing Companies to Increase Profits and Cash Flow
I want to make sure you download your free copy of this ebook because it will show you 10 strategies to maximize profits, minimize your tax liability, and win back your time.

So just click the blue button above, enter your name and email address, and you'll get your free pdf copy of the ebook in your inbox within minutes. :)

Talk soon,
Nauman Poonja, CPA
Team Accounovation LLC
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